But then something weird happened the Republican Party went off the fking deep end with racism, white supremacy, terrorism, lies and anti-science. And you can infect someone that then gets sick and may die. Arnold Schwarzenegger was once a popular figure in the Republican Party, and he definitely helped the GOP retain their idiotic we’re big strong men branding. “Then you kill someone else, and then it is your doing. So, this is the same thing with the virus. You cannot go and not put the mask on because when you breathe, you can infect someone else. First of all the vaccination DOES NOT PREVENT people from getting sick, nor does it prevent death. I’m going to go right through it,'” the former governor said. No, screw your freedom,' Schwarzenegger said in a video posted Wednesday. Arnold Schwarzenegger is boycotted by Florida sports nutrition company after Screw your freedom comments. “You cannot say, ‘No one is going to tell me that I’m going to stop here, that I have to stop at this traffic light here. “The Terminator” star compared taking the steps to stopping traffic accidents and how people can’t just decide not to stop at a stop light. Conan the Barbarian did not specify whether unvaccinated persons should FK Themselves prior. Former Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger advises the unvaccinated: Go Fk Themselves. We cannot just say, ‘I have the right to do X, Y and Z.’ When you affect other people, that is when it gets serious.” Former Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger has another message for the unvaccinated: You’re a Schmuck.

“Because with freedom comes obligations and responsibilities. DAYS after Arnold Schwarzenegger delivered a rousing video rant about masks where he said, Screw your freedom, one of his sponsors dropped him. “No, screw your freedom,” Schwarzenegger continued. It kills people,” he added, as he mocked people who feel their “freedom is being disturbed” due to having to get vaccinated and wearing masks. That is when you get serious.' Schwarzenegger then went on to call anti-mask Americans 'schmucks.

We cannot just say, ‘I have the right to do X, Y and Z.’.

Because with freedom comes obligations and responsibilities, Schwarzenegger continued. We cannot just say I have the right to do X, Y, and Z when you affect other people. That’s what former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger told Americans who oppose ever-changing government demands when it comes to masking as a defense against COVID-19. “But I think people should know, there is a virus here. SCREW YOUR FREEDOM Arnold Schwarzenegger said during an interview about coronavirus vaccination Screw Your Freedoms. Screw your freedom because with freedom comes obligations and responsibilities.